Our tips for a strong fourth quarter in publishing

Accomplishing annual goals can be tough, especially in a fluctuating sector like gaming. To kickstart the last few months, we’ve lined up a few tips and tricks that will hopefully help you close out the year successfully. Most of these tips can be helpful the whole year through, especially for new publishers, so be sure to read on!

  1. Account setup 
  • Make sure you have all your domains in our platform. If you have recently added any new (sub)domains, please inform us so all platforms can be whitelisted.
  • Check whether you have implemented the most recent ads.txt lines from the Ads.txt Management section in your Headerlift Reporting portal. This section also includes information and explanations regarding ads.txt.
  • Make sure all your account settings are correct and completed. If you are not sure, please reach out to Customer Support or your Account Manager.
  1. Website
  • Make sure to match your audience’s preferences; see what works for your platform and expand your catalog with games that fit together with your existing content.
  • Make sure your recommendations section around the iFramed game is relevant to the game. You can attract users to similar titles through these recommendations. 
  • Keep up with the trends! You can sign up for our newsletter if you would like to receive our recommendations fit for seasonal trends, sports events, hot topics and trending releases. The fourth quarter is also the perfect opportunity to highlight Halloween and Christmas games, if they fit your audience. We have an extensive catalog with seasonal games in nearly every genre, so be sure to check back on our website regularly to see new and trending content.
  1. Promotion
  • Make sure your homepage is always active and up to date! Having the right game in the right spot is crucial. Most preferred games can have a spot under ‘Best games’ but don’t forget to give some space to the seasonal games!
  • Make sure you have fresh content under your ‘new games’ section! Your audiences will pick the new games more if you show them in the homepage! 
  • You can try out GIF thumbnails to give your audience a feel of the game before playing it.
  • Use your social media to stay relevant and show audiences which games they can expect on your platform.
  • If you are a part of a large group of media channels, make use of these platforms through cross-promoting your best performing games on your homepage(s). This way, you can engage your audiences with different types of content.

We hope these tips and tricks will help you out. If you have any further questions, be sure to have a look at our FAQ or send our Support Team a message here.